8 Prices
Price List
Daycare (offered Monday-Friday only)$25.00 a day
Kennel Boarding (daycare included)
    A $5.00 discount will be given per night for more than one dog staying in one kennel.
    Example: Two dogs staying in one kennel for one night will be $65.00.
$35.00 a night
Luxury Suites (daycare included)
    A $5.00 discount will be given per night for more than one dog staying in one suite.
    Example: Two dogs staying in one suite for one night will be $75.00.
$40.00 a night
'The Pit' (daycare included)
     A $5.00 discount will be given per night for more than one dog staying in the pit.
    Example: Two dogs staying in the pit for one night will be $79.00.
$45.00 a night
Baths (when available) $35.00 each

Accepts cash, checks and Venmo ONLY!! (Subject to change in time)
There will be a $35 fee for all returned checks.